Internationally rambling indie band Secret Circus, lead by Captain Klas, release a new single “Once You Taste Freedom" with a DOPE music video! 

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After all our tours got cancelled (thanks ‘Rona!), and the band got stranded on two different continents, we poured our heart and soul into this. Captain Klas wrote the song about liberation, enlightenment, and drugs, probably. Read into it and appreciate the inception and inspired lyrics, or just relax and let its mantric elements and groove take you along for the ride. Joel's production draws inspiration from Muse, Gotye, Röyksopp, and psilocybin. The song experiments with synthesizers, and is backed by a gritty and overdriven drum beat. The up-front raspy vocals contrast the lush, stereophonic neon landscapes. The driving synth bass, punchy rhythm guitar, and ominous choir effects with on-the-verge-of-self-oscillating pitched delay completes the experience to make one hell of a banger for the Psychedelic Pop genre.

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How does one capture this eclectic soup of musical styles in a music video? Well, to showcase our media production company Third Eye Switch, and simply out-do ourselves, we didn't make one video, we made six! All with different styles capturing different inspirations. A composited animated video was created using photos of old TVs to tie them together. It's layers, man. Layers! You can watch this video a s#@$ load of times and still find new details! So that's pretty cool.

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If you dig our flex, please help us make a hit song by featuring the video on your blog, adding the Spotify track to your playlists, sharing links on your social media, mention us on your Only Fans, record the video to VHS tape and send it to your grandma, or whatever you think helps.


Captain Klas and Joel - Secret Circus


Artist: Captain Klas & Secret Circus
Camera work by Joel Åhman
Video editing and animation by Captain Klas
Music and lyrics by Captain Klas
Mixing and Mastering by Joel Åhman
Produced by Third Eye Switch
Released Dec 12, 2020
© All copy and publishing rights belong to Joel and Klas Åhman